Friday 23 October 2015


Many people say does God really exist? or Just question have you ever seen God ?

Here is the truth ……

In the last 3 centuries ever since mankind started thinking of conceiving new ideas, new inventions ,  the pace of growth has progressively escalated to such an alarming level that today we are now racing against time towards the scene of the final battle between the kings of the Earth at the end of the world The Armageddon as we call it. The advent of computer architecture and its related technology has created more havoc than elucidating complications of sustainable life on earth. Have you all ever thought most of the material world created by mankind can only be preserved and not destroyed? Take for example a simple  P.U. Foam & Poly Vinyl Chloride (P.V.C) takes 2000yrs before it ever disintegrates into the earth soil. Think about growing addiction of electronic gazettes such as Laptops , tablets , Mobile phones and its host of accessories are produced and consumed in millions every day , the mankind’s hunger seems to be never ending but despondently no one is thinking about its system for destruction.

Equate this with nature, in Nature there is no disorganized way of creation, every facet of nature which is created is preserved for a certain amount of time depending upon on its life form defined by him and destroyed or disintegrated within itself to create a new life form.

The simple example of cycle of creation, existence and destruction is seen here the mother Deer gives birth to a fawn and is grow up over a period of time and becomes a victim of prey,  the predator satisfies its hunger and throw away the skeletal remains which eventually becomes the food for Scavengers. The cycle is complete for the new beginning. Again take example of trees the spring season brings new leaves and buds which are further developed into full grown leaves & flowers and later transitioned into a state of elimination during the Fall or Autumn and the new creation is awaiting in the winter to get over. 

This very thought is profoundly explained in the science of Cosmology centuries ago in Vedas in Hinduism. Hinduism’s understanding of time is as grandiose as time itself. While most cultures base their cosmologies on familiar units such as few hundreds or thousands of years, the Hindu concept of time embraces billions and trillions of years. Hindu cosmology envisaged the universe as having a cyclical nature. The end of each kalpa brought about by Shiva's dance is also the beginning of the next. Rebirth follows destruction.

The concept of Brahma – Vishu – Mahesh  which is defined as Trinity in Hinduism. The Trinity is the central theme of Hindu cosmology it tries to view a very critical aspect of the universe and how it works. Starting from the basic tenet that every beginning has an end, every material thing in this world goes through a basic life cycle of creation, existence and destruction. So, in Hinduism trinity - Brahma is associated with creation or beginning, Vishnu is associated with life/existence/maintenance and finally Shiva is associated with end or destruction.

The most fundamental concept in Hinduism is that of oneness - All is one and many is just how we tend to see the one. Think about our sense of taste for example - When we are hungry, a loaf of bread tastes like the most delicious thing we ever had but when we are full loaded with an extra-large pizza then the same loaf of bread will be unbearable to chew! Its the same bread but our perception has changed and we taste it in two different ways based on how we "want" it to taste! This was a very simple example to explain the concept of oneness in "perceived" manyness but it applies to almost everything in the world around us and how we tend to perceive and understand it!

So in a way the three gods in Hinduism are indeed one in the form of Trinity and that is perceived and experienced by all of us in Nature.

Now when we have the three Gods vs one God and we have got the basic understanding of the concept of many vs one, If we reflect it in more details about what the concept of beginning-existence-end implies. The concept of oneness, when fully understood, results in the profound realization that there is never a beginning -existence-end!! The "end" is hidden in the "beginning" itself and "beginning" is hidden in the "existence" and "existence" is hidden in the "end"; in other words the basic underlying nature of the process means that all three are one and the same and must be understood so by someone with a transcendental view of the world !!  
Now if you come back to the Physical world created by Mankind, where does it stand?  

Conclusion : -  “I believe in God , only I call it a Nature” !!

Shekhar Bopardikar
P.S.: Inputs about “Concept of Cosmology”  sourced from the Net