Thursday 7 March 2013

SARUS CRANE- Bharatpur's Beauty

SARUS CRANE- Bharatpur's Beauty

During my recent Bharatpur Bird santuary workshop (Keoladeo Ghana National Park) .The 2nd Day morning session, we all were in hot pursuit of Sarus Crane.Our bird guide had some information about the location of cranes. There were 2 cranes feeding themselves at one corner of the sanctuary amidst thick long grass fields.With all of us trying to take a startegic post to get the best angle ,as if some Bollywood beauty along with the hero was performing some film shooting sequence.There was very little space for everybody to stand . I managed to take some few photographs handheld with Canon 5D MarkII & 100-400mm Lens.

 Sarus Crane with Northern Shoveller in Background purposely shot for balancing the image.

Pair of Sarus Cranes in an act A-La "DO-RASTE"
All images copyright by "Shekhar Bopardikar"
Nature and Wildlife Photography.
Shekhar Bopardikar.

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